Cours & formations


Curriculum Nutritional Medicine 2023

Diese Fortbildung steht unter dem Patronat der GESKES und gilt als Fortbildung im Rahmen des Zertifikatskurses Klinische Ernährung (CASCN). Die Fortbildung gehört zum Modul III. Anerkennung: 0.0625 ECTS-Punkte


The curriculum Nutritional Medicine targets physicians and specialists in nutritional medicine, pharmacists, dietitians, nursing staff, food scientists/technologists and researchers. The goal of the curriculum is 3-fold: 1) Sparking interest and enthusiasm, 2) Transferring knowledge, 3) Fostering exchange and collaborations


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Please note that the Curriculum is accredited by GESKES and can be assigned to the CAS in Clinical Nutrition. For confirmation of your attendance please contact 

Groupe cible

The curriculum Nutritional Medicine targets physicians and specialists in nutritional medicine, pharmacists, dietitians, nursing staff, food scientists/technologists and researchers. 
jeudi, 31. août 2023
16:15 - 17:00
Sports nutrition

(in English)

Dr. phil. David HerzigDepartment of Diabetes, Endocrinology, Nutritional Medicine and Metabolism, Inselspital Bern University Hospital
PhD candidate Freya OrbanDepartment of Diabetes, Endocrinology, Nutritional Medicine and Metabolism, Inselspital Bern University Hospital


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0 Article dans le panier

Vue d'ensemble

Type de cours

Cours sous patronage


Patronage fixé


Meeting-ID: 821 8529 5554
Passcode: 529142


Programm Committee
Prof. Dr. med. et phil. Lia Bally

Head of Nutrition, Metabolism and Obesity
Mirjam Michel
Head of Nursing and Counselling Services
David Magarinos
Coordinator Service Development

Department of Diabetes, Endocrinology,
Nutritional Medicine and Metabolism (UDEM), 
Inselspital, Bern University Hospital